FP&A Analyst Salary Guide

What is the Average Salary of an FP&A Analyst?

The average salary for an FP&A Analyst is $67,544.

Top 10 cities for the highest starting salaries

  • New York City, NY
  • San Francisco, CA
  • San Jose, CA
  • Seattle, WA
  • Boston, MA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Houston, TX
  • Washington D.C.
  • Charlotte, NC

How to earn more as an FP&A Analyst

Obtain Advanced Certifications

Earning certifications such as the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) can significantly enhance an FP&A analyst’s credibility and skill set. These certifications are recognized globally and demonstrate a high level of competency in financial analysis and strategic financial management.

According to the Institute of Management Accountants, professionals who hold the CMA certification earn approximately 28% more in total compensation than their non-certified peers. Similarly, CFA charterholders are highly regarded in the finance industry and often see a salary boost due to the certification’s rigorous standards and broad recognition.

Specialize in High-Demand Industry Sectors

Specializing in industries like technology, manufacturing, healthcare, or finance, which are known for their complex financial structures and rapid growth, can lead to higher salaries. These industries value FP&A analysts who can provide deep insights into financial forecasts, market trends, and investment opportunities.

A study by Deloitte titled “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact on jobs” highlights the growing importance of financial analytics in manufacturing operations due to automation and digitalization.

Develop Expertise in Financial Software and Big Data Analytics

Becoming proficient in advanced financial modeling, forecasting software, and big data analytics tools (like SAP, Oracle, Hyperion, Tableau, and Power BI) is crucial. These skills are in high demand as businesses increasingly rely on data-driven decisions.